เลขที่ | ตำแหน่ง | ประเภทตำแหน่ง | วุฒิการศึกษา | บริษัท | เริ่มต้น | สิ้นสุด | สร้างเมื่อ |
46 | Administration & Document Control | Safety Security Quality & Health Occupational Assurance | Bachelor degree | hrmpa | 19/4/22 | 20/5/22 | 19/4/22 12:31 |
47 | Aviation Security Officer | Safety Security Quality & Health Occupational Assurance | Bachelor degree | hrmpa | 21/4/22 | 22/5/22 | 21/4/22 15:06 |
48 | IT Support | Information Technology | Bachelor degree | hrmpa | 21/4/22 | 22/5/22 | 21/4/22 15:29 |
49 | Passenger Service Agent | Aviation Business | Bachelor degree | hrmpa | 21/4/22 | 22/5/22 | 21/4/22 16:27 |
50 | Customer Service Agent | Aviation Business | Bachelor degree | hrmpa | 28/4/22 | 31/5/22 | 28/4/22 11:23 |
51 | Customer Service Supervisor | Aviation Business | Bachelor degree | hrmpa | 28/4/22 | 31/5/22 | 28/4/22 11:32 |
53 | HR | Human Resource | Bachelor degree | pilotservices | 21/6/22 | 31/7/22 | 21/6/22 14:04 |
54 | พนักงานขาออก | Office and Administrative Support | Bachelor degree | pilotservices | 21/6/22 | 30/6/22 | 21/6/22 15:16 |
55 | บัญชี | Business and Financial Operations | Bachelor degree | pilotservices | 21/6/22 | 30/6/22 | 21/6/22 15:17 |
60 | HR Implement | Personnel Development & Training | Bachelor degree | demo1 | 13/11/23 | 31/12/24 | 13/11/23 15:33 |
39 | Admin Finance and Account Officer | Financial & Accounting | Bachelor degree | hrmpa | 31/3/22 | 30/4/22 | 1/4/22 10:38 |
43 | Passenger Service Agent | Aviation Business | Bachelor degree | hrmpa | 8/4/22 | 9/5/22 | 11/4/22 15:29 |
44 | Safety Officer in Professional | Safety Security Quality & Health Occupational Assurance | Bachelor degree | hrmpa | 19/4/22 | 20/5/22 | 19/4/22 12:00 |
45 | Document Control Officer | Safety Security Quality & Health Occupational Assurance | Bachelor degree | hrmpa | 19/4/22 | 20/5/22 | 19/4/22 12:26 |
2 | พนักงานเซลส์แอ้ดมิน | Sales and Related | Bachelor degree | nobel | 1/1/21 | 31/12/21 | 3/2/21 17:45 |
3 | Sales Team | Sales and Related | Bachelor degree | nobel | 12/2/21 | 31/3/21 | 12/2/21 09:29 |
23 | Sales Executive | Sales and Related | Bachelor degree | nobel | 1/12/21 | 31/12/21 | 23/12/21 14:14 |
5 | Application Support | Computer and Mathematical | Bachelor degree | nobel | 16/3/21 | 31/3/21 | 16/3/21 13:04 |
10 | Brand Manager | Sales and Related | Bachelor degree | chame | 1/9/21 | 1/10/21 | 3/9/21 11:16 |
11 | Media Optimization Office | Sales and Related | Bachelor degree | chame | 1/9/21 | 1/10/21 | 3/9/21 12:57 |